Reviewing the real corkers in pop music

Introducing; Swiss electro-swing from Klischée

The Five piece from Bern are set to release their brand new EP ‘Retouché’ November 14. 

Klischee - Retouche ArtworkBern-based five piece band Klischée have something pretty amazing going on. Originally having started as the musical project between producers Dominique Dreier andKilian Spinnle in 2010, the band were joined one year later by Visual Jockey (VJ) Benjamin Kniel and the singers William Bejedi and Marena Whitche, bringing together different aspects for their intriguing electro swings style.

Putting together acoustic, swing and jazz music with electronic music (even drum and bass) and something very unique was created. And something the Swiss has definitely starting liking. After sold out tours within Switzerland and a successful debut album, the band are now releasing the brand new EP ‘Retouché’ on which 7 songs of their debut album, have been remixed by deejays all around the world. The result is a funky collection of electroswing, which will be available for purchase november 14.

Listen to the previews below:

Watch the video for ‘Tiquette’ below:


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This entry was posted on November 8, 2014 by in Music.