Reviewing the real corkers in pop music

Nick Jonas unveils Teacher Lyric Video

Steamy moves, naked body parts and lyrics of course are the main things to remember from the lyric video of  Nick Jonas most recent buzz single ‘Teacher’. 

Nick Jonas - Teacher Lyric VideoWhile the UK is still waiting for the release of Chains, the lead single from American singer songwriter and actor Nick Jonas upcoming second studio album, he’s already wacked the lyric video for the second official single on the world wide web.

It’s a slick production, which smoulders in a lazy urban R&B beat,  (that intermezzo part is just brilliant) while Nick Jonas falsetto in the chorus is simply to die for. Infectious for sure, and judging by the lyric video (which consists of legs, arms, butts, backs and practically every other human body part) we have a feeling the official video could be very hot and steamy. Not that we mind at all!

One comment on “Nick Jonas unveils Teacher Lyric Video

  1. leandra1982
    November 8, 2014

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